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Interference Measurement Campaign

In the end of June 2018, a measurement campaign during a lecture at the TU Wien was held. The goal was to record ISM band traffic in WLAN channels with a vector signal analyzer in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz band. With this data, typical parameters such as traffic load and power level distributions have been described statistically.

  • Scenario
    • Class: Computer supported Japanese
    • Antenna placed in the middle of the room (right picture: below the white arrow)
    • Measurement equipment was placed outside the lecture room: signal was amplified by an amplifier cascade for transmission over 30m long cable
  • Recording
    • About 50 records with 10s length for each
    • Channel 1 @ 2.4GHz and Channel 36 @ 5GHz
  • Monitoring
    • Additional Linux PC with tcpdump
    • Possible to decode WLAN frames
    • Is it possible to record such a scenario by a Linux PC system?
  • Results and parameter fittings (PDF)
  • Utilized data recordings (ZIP)