
20. February 2020
2nd InterOp Workshop on Embedded Linux in Zynq (05.03.2020 in Brno, CZ)
logo of TU Brno, FH Hagenberg, Interreg and European Union

The aim of the workshop is to provide professionals from industry and academia with knowledge on selected topics of software defined radio and its use in practice. The workshop introduces Embedded Linux (Petalinux) in Zilinq FPGA devices from Xilinx and focuses on embedded system problems starting with a higher operating system. Detailed information can be found in the invitation.

The workshop will be held on 5.3.2020 at the SIX Research Centre, Brno University of Technology.

Please find a pdf-version of the program here: Invitation WS 2020_03_05 (PDF)

For registration, please visit The workshop attendance is free of charge.